Rath Museum (Musée Rath)

About the place

  • Country : Switzerland , Geneva

  • Address : Place de Neuve 1, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland

  • Category : Museums

  • Establishing Date : between 1824 and 1826 AD

Rath Museum (Musée Rath)


Musée Rath is the art museum in Geneva. The museum offers only temporary exhibitions; it is the oldest purpose-built art museum in Switzerland.

This museum is considered one of the best and most famous museums in Geneva, and it is considered one of the most museums that attract thousands of visitors annually.

Historic overview:

The museum was built between 1824 and 1826 AD.

Initially, the museum was used for both permanent and temporary exhibitions, as well as art teaching, and as a cultural meeting place, then it specialized in "temporary exhibitions" of Swiss and international art and archeology.

Museum contents:

It displays large collections of various Swiss art exhibits, as well as a group of international art exhibits from around the world.

How to get there:

The nearest bus stop is Genève, Place de Neuve

The nearest tram stop is Genève, Place de Neuve


Official Website

Tripadvisor website

Travelerpedia website

Murtahil website

Geneva website








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